Help Us Get Out The Vote
in BIPOC Communities

What are Democracy Centers?

Democracy Centers are located in BIPOC communities where more than 55% of eligible voters no longer choose to vote. A Democracy Center is a local resource that supports ongoing, year-round, civic engagement to achieve meaningful progress on issues of importance in underserved communities of color where the ill effects of historic systemic racism are deeply entrenched and oppressive. These communities are often rural and identifiable by certain common characteristics, such as high levels of race-based concentrated poverty, lower social mobility, higher rates of environmental pollution and restrictive voter suppression laws. The phrase, “My vote doesn’t matter” reflects frustration with the lack of improvement in community pain points regardless of who is elected.

Center for Common Ground provides needed infrastructure, training and digital tools to empower communities during times of accelerated change and challenge. Citizens need a place to gather, learn about national, state and local policy/politics so they can make educated decisions about their leaders and how to make change on every level.

Take Action

What you can do to Get Involved

Phone banking: One of the most effective ways you can make a change, phone banking with the Center for Common Ground is easy, rewarding, and impactful.


Post Carding: We guide our volunteers in writing colorful and informative handwritten postcards to voters of color in targeted voter suppression states.

Text with us to voters of color to get out the vote, for community outreach, and for other initiatives.personal phone number to participate. 

Grassroots means boots on the ground, door knocing and having candid conversations about the issues impacting our communities.

Join Us

Join our GOTV campaignn wherever there is a Democracy Center or Mini Democracy Center near you!

Do you have questions? Call or visit us.

[+1] (804) 322-9488

2101 Maywill Street
Richmond, VA 23230, USA 


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