Meet our Leadership Team

key personnel of S.E.E.D. 4 ALL

Bio Pic 2022
Founder & President
Frank is a Certified Financial Literacy Instructor with 20+ years of business experience. His work revolves around equity, equality and wealth building for communities of color.
Tinal Slaughter pic
Board Member
Tina Slaughter is a Web Developer and Technical Analyst for Wachovia Securities. She designs, develops, and implements web-based, broker-facing business applications.
Latifa Sage Silski
Board Member
Latifa is a transplant surgeon in Cincinnati, Ohio with over10+ years of experience. Her passion for healthcare, specifically preventive care is an anchors the team with her heart and sensibility.
Keva Profile Pic
Board Member
Keva's is a Money Coach with 20+ years working for wealth management firms. Her expertise is in wealth creation, risk management, asset protection, and personal financial planning.
Dr Ellis Bio pic
Board Member
Dr. Henderson is the Founding Pastor of The Way of the Lord Fellowship, President of SoundMind Consulting Group, LLC and a Doctor of Education in Child, Youth, and Family Studies.
Jenny Kassan is an acomplished business attorney with decades of experience. She is also a certified transformational coach, social entrepreneur, SEC specialist and finance innovator.
Key Strategic Partner
Andrea, a founding member of Center for Common Ground, is an IT and Political Director, an elections strategist. She designs and administers digital phone banks and texting programs.
Finny Mathew headshot
Key Strategic Partner
Experienced Executive for over 30 years with a demonstrated history of Setup and operating a non-profit organization with a background in business and investment banking.
Key Strategic Partner
Martha Rollins is an Executive Officer for the Lynchburg Lighthouse and the FARRR Foundation. Her background and experience include sales marketing and strategic planning.

Do you have questions? Call or visit us.

[+1] (804) 322-9488

2101 Maywill Street
Richmond, VA 23230, USA 


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