S.E.E.D. 4 ALL is a nonprofit that aggregates community resources to provide local organizations that serve communities of color with the tools, training, investment opportunities and the support they need to become more effective. 

Delivering Solutions For Communities of Color

Wraparound Support & Services


With the assistance of our strategic partners, we provide access to life skills trainig, social services, food banks, healthcare, housing and pathways to homeownership.


Through our community partners we provide access to family services like remidiation, counseling, finacial planning and opportunities to build generational wealth.


We help underserved communites that need support establish sustainable Community Land Trusts (CLT++) with opportunites for eneregy efficient, affordable homeownership.


We provide essential business resources and wrap around support to foster the growth of small business, co-ops and non-profit organizations.


We provide support to community leaders looking to start or grow their own social justice initiative/organization. We assist with structuring and help to identify collaborative partners and funding sources.

Returning Citizens

We provide pathways for returning citizens to reach their full potential. Our programs provide support for transitioning into homes, job training and investment opportunities.

How You Can Help

Become a Strategic Parrtner

Join our collective to help fill in the gaps of community resources.

Become a Volunteer

    Support the Economic Growth Movement

    The S.E.E.D. Initiative uses it's resources to provide support to black led organizations and communities of color. 85% of our total operating expenses fund programs for children in the countries we serve. So when you make a monthly gift or donation to our organization, the majority of your dollars go toward exactly what you intended - supporting underserved communities of color.
    Become a volunteer

    Join us for a better life and beautiful future.

    Become a Volunteer

      Strategic Partners & Resources

      Do you have questions? Call or visit us.

      [+1] (804) 322-9488

      2101 Maywill Street
      Richmond, VA 23230, USA



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